A Nation of Informants July 2, 2009

by Will

Will Grigg?s Liberty Minute

July 2, 2009

When Joseph Stalin ruled the Soviet Union, his regime made war against the so-called Kulaks, or Ukrainian peasant farmers. They were targeted for extinction in an engineered famine during the 1930s that killed up to three times as many people as perished in the WWII-era Nazi Holocaust.

During that time, a Ukrainian youngster named Pavlik Morozov was designated a hero and role model to Soviet youth because he informed on his father, who was sent to the gulag and killed.

A strong odor of Morozov-style collectivist fanaticism permeated a June 13 New York Times op-ed column by Charles M. Blow. Referring to family members of people accused of so-called hate crimes, Blow writes: ?[W]e, as a society, can do a much better job of creating an environment where hateful beliefs are never ignored, and suspicious behavior never goes unreported.?

Apparently, for tolerance to prevail we must become a nation of Pavlik Morozov-style informants.

Let us take back the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free.

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