Are You on The List?* May 28,2008

by Will

Will Grigg?s Liberty Minute

As the old expression goes, just because someone?s paranoid doesn?t mean that nobody is out to get him. For years, many have suspected that the federal government has compiled various lists of people who would be subject to detention ? or worse ? in the event of a national emergency.

This has understandably been dismissed as a mixture of self-dramatization and alarmism. However, we now have reason to believe that there is some truth to this suspicion.

Radar magazine, drawing on extensive research and interviews with highly placed officials, has confirmed the existence of a list called the ?Main Core.? Compiled from information collected through public and private databases, as well as police records, surveillance, and other sources, Main Core, explains one policy maker, is a list of Americans who ?are considered unfriendly and ? in a time of panic, might be incarcerated.? Through the database those people can be located ?almost instantaneously.?

As I said: Even paranoids sometimes have real enemies.

Let us take back the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free.

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