Blackmail Threat against Congress April 4, 2007


In his April 3 press conference, President Bush issued what has to be considered a blackmail threat against Congress in an effort to extract funding to continue the war in Iraq.

Congress has passed a funding measure larger than the one Bush requested, but containing a September 1, 2008 deadline for withdrawal from Iraq. Bush insists that he will veto any bill that contains restrictions or deadlines of any kind.

If he doesn't get the bill he wants, Bush warned, funding will be cut for equipping and training troops, to provide support for their families. This would mean battle-weary military units would be re-deployed more often, for longer periods, with inadequate means to carry out their mission. This, in turn, will mean more battlefield deaths. This is nothing other than an implicit presidential threat against our troops.

The obvious alternative is to end this unjustifiable war and bring our troops home. But the Blackmailer-in-Chief won't consider that option. It's time Congress forced him to.

Let us stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free.

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