George Washington: "Put None but Americans on Guard Tonight". June 13, 2007

by Will

In the middle of the fourth century of the Christian era, the rulers of the Roman empire opened their borders to the Germanic tribes, and began to rely on German mercenaries to fill the ranks of the Roman Legion. Within fifty years, Rome was overrun.

This should be remembered in light of the Pentagon's growing reliance on illegal immigrants as recruits. One section of the Bush administration's embattled immigration amnesty bill offers illegal immigrants a fast track to citizenship if they enlist in the military. At present, according to the Armed Forces Press Service, about 35,000 non-citizens are serving in the US military.

Before crossing the Delaware River on Christmas, 1776, George Washington instructed his subordinates: ?Put none but Americans on guard tonight.? He then attacked a large and well-supplied force of German mercenaries in Trenton, New Jersey, resulting in a victory that saved the cause of American independence.

Empires rely on foreign mercenaries ? or illegal aliens ? as military recruits. Independent republics do not.

Let us stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free.

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