Is It Seditious to Oppose Drone-Killing? If So, Count me as a Seditionist

by Will

Will Grigg?s Liberty Minute

March 11, 2013

While Senator Rand Paul?s drone filibuster will not restrain the Obama administration?s use of drones to carry out targeted killings of alleged terrorists and militants, it has laid bare an interesting alignment on the political landscape.

Senior Republican leaders the in the Senate, including Arizona?s John McCain and South Carolina?s Lindsey Graham, have thrown their unqualified support behind President Obama.

Speaking on the floor of the Senate, Senator Graham declared, ?People are astonished that President Obama is doing many of the things that President Bush did. I?m not astonished. I congratulate him for having the good judgment to understand we?re at war.? Speaking in the same vein, Senator McCain protested ?We?ve done ? a disservice to a lot of Americans by making them believe they?re somehow in danger from their government; they?re not.?  Republican Congressman Mike Rogers of Michigan, the House Intelligence Committee Chairman, denounced critics of targeted killings as ?irresponsible.?

Meanwhile, some nominally liberal commentators, such as Newsweek?s Eleanor Clift, accused Senator Paul and other opponents of the drone program of inciting sedition.

America was founded on principled hostility to power, not unqualified submission to it. The Founders most likely wouldn?t recognize as Americans people who would entrust the president with the power of discretionary killing.

Let us take back the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free. 

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