Making Sadaam Look Good April 11, 2008

by Will

Will Grigg?s Liberty Minute

April 11, 2008

49-year-old Iraqi Priest Faiz (Fah-YEEZ) Abdel was murdered in broad daylight outside his home in Baghdad on April 5. His denomination, the Syrian Orthodox Church, has seen nearly half of its membership flee the country since it was supposedly liberated by the US invasion in March 2003.

During that same five-year period, Iraq?s Assyrian Christian Church has seen an even more dramatic exodus. Hundreds of thousands of Assyrian Christians ? whose language is Aramaic, the same one spoken by Jesus ? have fled to Syria and Lebanon.

More than two-thirds of Iraq?s Christians have been killed or driven into exile. A scant handful of them have been admitted to the United States as refugees.

Abu Noor, a 59-year-old Iraqi Christian, told the New York Times: ?I heartily believe that we were living better under the old regime. No one could threaten the Christians then.?

Those words seal the indictment against that unnecessary and immoral war.

Let us take back the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free.

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