Neglect Us -- Please! July 9, 2009

by Will

Will Grigg?s Liberty Minute

July 9, 2009

Oscar Wilde once said that building socialism would ?take too many evenings.? The ambitious social engineers in the Obama administration are discovering that centrally planning the U.S. economy can take a toll on a government employee?s private life.

?White House advisers often work 60 to 70 hours a week and bear the scars of missed birthdays and bedtimes, canceled dinners and play dates, strained marriages and disgruntled children, all for prestigious posts that offer a chance to make an impact,? observed a July 4 article in the New York Times.

Most tax-paying Americans can understand such frustrations. It?s common for one parent to work full-time to support the family while the other works full-time to pay the taxes. This is because of the costs entailed in paying for the grand designs of people in Washington.

Obama and his comrades should spend more time with their families, and less time taxing and regimenting ours.

Let us take back the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free.

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