The Border Patrol Gestapo Goes Domestic December 10, 2009

by Will

Will Grigg?s Liberty Minute

December 10, 2009

Iris Cooper of Patagonia, Arizona was driving to school at the Pima Medical Institute in Tucson when she realized that she had forgotten her books.

About two miles away from a Border Patrol checkpoint, Cooper turned her car around to head home, only to be stopped and detained by Border Patrol agents. She was pulled from her car, handcuffed, and detained for a half an hour while a K-9 unit conducted a warrantless search of her vehicle.

Despite being handcuffed and forbidden to leave, Cooper was told that she wasn?t under arrest. The handcuffs, she was told, were ?part of the procedure.? This was a lie, of course: An arrest occurs any time a citizen is detained by any law enforcement officer. This includes traffic stops.

Over the past several years, the Border Patrol has erected checkpoints well inside our national borders and subjected U.S. citizens to this kind of treatment with increasing frequency. Thanks to such policies America is increasingly looking less like a republic and more like a Reich.

Let us take back the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free.

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