The Jury Box Becomes an Increasingly Important Battlefield. June 6, 2007

by Will

For decades, John Tarkowski has been jousting with the Environmental Protection Agency. The 81-year-old resident of Wauconda Township in Illinois clings to the quaint notion that the Constitution protects his right to develop his property as he sees fit.

Decades ago he defeated an attempt by the federal EPA to seize his land. More recently he parried an effort by the Illinois EPA to send him to prison for the supposed offense of defying an order that closed off part of his property.

Last year, environmental regulators accused Tarkowski of operating an illegal dump and sealed off a part of his land. Tarkowski removed the seal and continued to use the property as he had before. Put on trial in late May, Tarkowski was quickly acquitted by a jury of his peers who didn't find the prosecution's witnesses ? a parade of aggrieved bureaucrats ? to be persuasive.

As our liberties fall prey to a corrupt and omnivorous government, the jury box becomes an increasingly important battlefield.

Let us stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free.

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